Monday, January 9, 2012

J.J. Abrams Didn't Want to Do 'Star Trek 2' in 3D

J.J. Abrams' cinematic hero Steven Spielberg might be all about 3D these days, but that doesn't mean Abrams is thrilled about the gimmick. While speaking to reporters about his new Fox series "Alcatraz," at the Television Critics Association, Abrams admitted that having his upcoming "Star Trek" sequel converted to 3D wasn't his idea. "I did not fight for the 3D. It was something the studio wanted to do. I didn't want to do it." At Comic-Con in 2010, Abrams expressed his reservations about the format, "The thing that drives me crazy about 3D is that when you put on the glasses, everything seems dim. I'm not totally on board yet." Still, Abrams did give his blessing after seeing some tests of the first "Star Trek" in 3D. "[It] looked really good," Abrams admitted to the crowd at TCA. "That was the thing which made me think it would be okay." The director wanted to hold out for shooting the sequel on good old-fashioned celluloid film, instead of digitally, but turns out "you can't shoot 3-D in anamorphic," I didn't want to shoot it digitally....I wanted it to match the look of the first and shoot it anamorphically. Then I saw the first movie converted; it was actually really cool. So I was okay with [converting the film to 3D], as long as I could shoot it the way I wanted to." [via EW] [Photo: Getty] Follow Moviefone on Twitter Like Moviefone on Facebook

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